
This Privacy Notice sets out:

• Our name and contact details
• How we collect your personal information
• The contact details of our Data Protection Officer
• The purposes and legal basis for processing your personal information
• The sources and categories of personal information we obtain
• How long we keep your personal information
• Your rights and accessing your personal information
• Use of IP addresses and cookies
• When you must by law provide your personal information to us

It applies to all personal information we collect whether by letter, email, face-to-face, telephone, online or any other method.

We seek to comply at all times with the General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act (the Data Protection Legislation).

Our identity and contact details

Bucks Football Academy collects and processes personal information about you. We are a Data Controller and a Data Processor under Data Protection Legislation and our contact details are:

• Address: Horseshoe Business Park, Lye Ln, Bricket Wood, St Albans AL2 3TA
• Telephone: 07717757318
• E-Mail:

How we collect your personal information

We collect information in a number of ways, for example, by letter, email, face-to-face, telephone, and online forms.

Data Protection Officer

Bucks Football Academy’s Data Protection Officer is Lauren Leach.

• Address: Horseshoe Business Park, Lye Ln, Bricket Wood, St Albans AL2 3TA
• Telephone: 07876497046
• E-Mail:

Purpose and legal basis for processing your information

We collect and process information about you, so that we can carry out our services as a sports provider. This includes but is not limited to:

• Promoting the services we provide
• Marketing our courses/activities

We collect and process the following categories of personal information:

• Personal and family details
• Financial details

We may also collect and process special categories of personal information that may include:

• Racial or ethnic origin
• Data concerning health

How long we keep your information

We will only keep your information for as long as is required by law and to provide you with the necessary services.

Your rights and access to your information

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you.

The Data Protection Legislation also gives you additional rights about the information we hold about you and how we use it, including the right to:

• Withdraw consent and the right to object and restrict further processing of your data in certain circumstances; however, this may affect service delivery to you
• Request to have your data deleted where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing and provided that there are no legitimate grounds for retaining it
• Request your data to be rectified if it is inaccurate
• Have your data transferred or copied should you move
• Not be subject to automated decision-making
You have the right to complain to us if you think we have not complied with our obligation for handling your personal information. Any complaint must be made in writing to Bucks Football Academy’s Data Protection Officer (contact details above).

If you are not satisfied with Bucks Football Academy’s response, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can report a concern by visiting the ICO website.

Use of IP addresses and cookies

Cookies enhance your experience using our website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

We use cookies to audit the use of our website and help us to customise the website for your visit. We do not store or transmit any personally identifiable data on these cookies. You can change your cookie setting at any time in the security settings in the browser you use to access the internet. Please note however, that rejecting all cookies may impact your enjoyment or use of this website.

We collect IP addresses* only for the purposes of system administration and to audit the use of our site. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that while your user session will be logged you will remain anonymous to us.

* An IP address is a unique string of numbers that identifies each computer

Changes in your personal circumstances

You must notify us immediately if there are any changes in your circumstances and personal details so we can maintain an accurate and up to date record of your information.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

As Bucks Football Academy creates new services, this may generate a need to amend the Privacy Notice. If our Privacy Notice changes at any time in the future, it will be posted on this page.

Updated 7th July 2023